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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 24, 2023

Create an anonymous survey for a private hub

It would be useful with closed/private hubs if you could create anonymous surveys. We have set up a hub for internal staff and to ensure it is closed off from the external site, we have had to set up single sign on, so we effectively register for our staff. This however means that surveys cannot be filled in anonymously so is a big barrier for our staff and limits its use for internal.

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  • Karen Steel
    Jun 6, 2024

    Our privacy policy does not allow us to capture personal data as part of a public survey. We believe that there is no valid reason under UK GDPR to process personal data to determine general public feedback and sentiment. All our surveys are therefore set to “anyone”.

    However, if a person submits the survey whilst signed into their EHQ account, their personal details will be linked to their response.

    We add an instruction to surveys advising people to log out of their EHQ account to keep their response anonymous. As a result, we have a lengthy disclaimer and privacy notice.

    Survey settings would include an “anonymous” option that would prevent the registration details of a respondent from being visible when carrying out an analysis.

    Currently, these details can be accessed when using the excel download.

    Being able to have a hidden visibility with an anonymous survey option, would allow us to guarantee anonymity for staff surveys for example.

    In Northern Ireland, we need to monitor community background – whether respondents are from the Protestant or Roman Catholic communities. Given our history, this information is considered sensitive and could put people at risk. Increasingly, people’s gender or sexuality is also becoming more sensitive and potentially open to abuse. The ability to desegregate this important monitoring data from the individual is an important consideration for us.